Dear one,
If you're struggling right now, I want you to know you are not doing anything wrong.
I want you to know that there is nothing wrong with you, even if things feel really hard.
You are not broken, you don't need fixing and you are not doing anything wrong.
As a sensitive person, living in a world that glorifies busyness and loudness and activity can be difficult at the best of times.
And when you're a sensitive person going through menopause it can be even tougher.
It's like all our sensitivities become heightened, and everything feels that much more intense.
And going through the inner autumn and winter of menopause can feel especially hard in our consumerist culture that values only growth, relentless productivity and expansion. We are literally going against the grain.
So, if things are hard, I want you to know - it's not personal.
It's ok to grieve, it's ok to feel rage, it's ok to feel lost. It's part of the territory, the descent into soul.
There is a part of you deep down that knows how to do this...
And, if things are easy right now, I also want you to know you're not doing anything wrong!
Your menopause process doesn't have to be horrendous for it to be valid, it doesn't have to involve suffering for it to 'count'. There is no one giving out medals or extra points for it being really hard.
Your menopause will be as your menopause will be.
And, however you are right now and whatever might be ahead I want you to know that menopause is not 'the end' (even though it might feel like it at times and even though our patriarchal culture would like to have you believe that).
Menopause is a natural process, and everything in nature knows that winter is always followed by the new growth of spring.
So hold tight, hold steady, dear one.
Learn to love yourself, however you are.
Find comfort in the darkness.
Trust yourself.
Trust the process.
The seed needs its time underground before the new shoots can sprout.
The caterpillar has to turn to mush before it can emerge as the butterfly.
The whisper of the new dawn is on the horizon.
The blessing of the warm sun on a spring day is not so far away.
And when the time is right for you to emerge from your cocoon, you will be all the richer for your time in the dark.
Melanie Ward