You're in perimenopause and you're struggling. Maybe the intensity of your emotions has taken you by surprise and you're seriously worried about the impact on your relationships.
You've read a little (should you reach for the HRT, or explore more holistic options like diet?) but deep down you know there's more to it than this...
Where you're at:
There's no doubt about it. You are in your menopause process.
You may be experiencing difficult perimenopause symptoms; physical, mental and emotional.
You may find you’re getting ‘triggered’ more often and that things that used to be easy in the past feel so much harder now (or that you just have no interest in doing them!)
You may have a range of self-care tools at your disposal and know what you ‘should’ be doing to look after yourself but something’s getting in the way of you really getting what you need. Or maybe the things that used to work for you just aren’t working any more.
Maybe you've found yourself yelling or snapping at your loved ones or feeling bitter or resentful. Your libido has nosedived. You just don't feel like you anymore. You may be scared that menopause is destroying your relationship or ruining your chances of ever having one in the future.
Perhaps you’re even post menopausal but you're still struggling and something feels unfinished. You’re not quite 'done' yet (or rather, menopause isn't quite done with you!)
Who you are:
You're someone who cares deeply and wants to make the world a better place. You may be a carer, healer, therapist or yoga teacher, or have a calling to be. You're likely to be creative in some way - perhaps you love writing, journalling, creating vision boards, drawing, singing or concocting herbal remedies. You may describe yourself as sensitive. You likely need time alone, and you love nature.
You will likely have already 'done some work' on yourself; maybe you’ve had counselling or therapy, you’ve explored, you know yourself and you’ve changed a lot. You’ve spent your life so far following your passions, or doing your best to.
And you're probably unconventional in some way. You've travelled, whether that's literally exploring different countries and cultures, or journeying within to explore your inner world. Either way you’re a seeker; the sort of person who is willing to be courageous, explore and dive deep.
You may, like me, have the following books and writers on your bookshelf:
'Women Who Run With The Wolves' by Clarissa Pinkola Estees
'If Women Rose Rooted' by Sharon Blackie
'The Artist's Way' by Julia Cameron
'When The Body Says No' by Dr Gabor Mate
'The Body Keeps The Score' by Bessel Van De Kolk
and be inspired by the poems and writings of Maya Angelou, Mary Oliver, David Whyte, John O'Donohue and Louise Erdich among others.
You're a deep thinker. Above all you want your menopause process to mean something, to be more than just a set of symptoms to be fixed, to be an opportunity for transformation. You want to find whatever healing and gifts might be waiting within the process for you.
You are welcome:
Whatever age you are as you travel through menopause; whether you are going through natural menopause or have experienced / are experiencing medically induced menopause. You are welcome whether or not you have a womb. You are welcome if you are on HRT, or not, or if you are undecided on the matter.
You are welcomed whatever your gender identity, sex, sexuality, race, ethnicity and background.
(I am a cisgendered, heterosexual, white woman. I aim to be inclusive to everyone and I am committed to learning. I am open to conversations and to being told when I’ve made mistakes and, in such instances, will do my best to put things right. My aim with all my clients is not to tell them what to do or to put my own beliefs and agendas on them, but to support each individual to find what is right for them.)
I'm probably not the right person for you if:
- you are looking for someone to tell you exactly what to do, what supplements to take, or what HRT to take or not take.
(I may sometimes give recommendations but my focus is on helping you to listen to your body and access your wisdom to enable you to navigate your way through this highly personal time of transition.)
- you are looking for a quick fix.
(Often my clients find they can learn a huge amount in a short space of time which can revolutionise the way they see and experience menopause, but chosing to take a deeper more soulful approach to menopause requires your engagement, your commitment and, above all, time in order to honour the process.)
- you want to avoid the inner work.
(Menopause Soul Work is rooted in self-care, gentleness and self-compassion, but in order to get the most from working with me you will need to be willing to step out of your comfort zone from time to time!)
Feel like we may be a fit?
Here are a few ways you can get started:
1. Dip In
To my FREE ebook and monthly menopause love letters
3. Explore
what might support you best with a
Free Introductory Session
4. Dive In
See how you can
Work with me